Thresh is a twisted reaper whose hungry chains ensnare the souls of the living. A moment's hesitation at the sight of his ghostly visage and there is no escape. He leaves in his wake hollow corpses, their souls ripped loose and trapped in the sickly green light of his lantern. The Chain Warden takes sadistic joy in tormenting his victims, both before and after their deaths. His grim task is never complete, and he stalks the land for ever more resolute spirits to unravel.
Thresh carves careful, deliberate paths through Valoran. He handpicks his targets individually, devoting his full attention to each soul in turn. He isolates and toys with them, gradually eroding their sanity with his twisted, maddening humor. Once Thresh takes an interest in a soul, he does not relent until he possesses it. He then drags those he captures back to the Shadow Isles for an unimaginably dreadful fate. This is his only purpose.
Threshの周到かつ執拗な凶行をまぬがれる場所は、Valoranのどこにもない。彼は標的を一人一人選んでいく時、それぞれの魂に対して平等に最大限の注意を払う。標的を孤立させ弄び、ねじくれてイライラするようなユーモアでもって彼らの精神を蝕んでゆく。ひとたびある魂にThreshが興味を持ったとすれば、それを手に入れるまで彼は休むことはない。彼が収穫した魂たちはShadow Islesに集められ、想像するだに恐ろしい末路を辿ることとなる。それが、彼のただ一つの目的なのだ。
Little is known about the Chain Warden's past, and many of the details live only in nursery rhymes and campfire tales. They tell of a sadistic jailer from centuries past who took great delight in torturing his wards. Patient and brutal, he used a variety of methods to break his victims' minds before their bodies succumbed to his grisly designs. Chains were the jailer's preferred instruments of terror. Their shrill scrape marked his dreadful approach and promised agony to those he visited. His dark reign went unchallenged until his prisoners escaped during a massive riot. They overwhelmed him, and without ceremony or remorse, hanged him from his own chains. Thus began the unlife of the horrible specter known as Thresh, or so the tales go.
Thresh now haunts the land, leaving an aftermath of horror and despair. However, there is a devious purpose behind his dark machinations, and the meager spirits of average men are insufficient. He seeks stronger souls. Only when he has broken the wills of Valoran's most resilient warriors will he finally have what he needs.
"There are few things as invigorating as taking a mind apart, piece by piece."
-- Thresh
以下、Thresh/Background - League of Legends Wiki - Champions, Items, Strategies, and many more!より。
Upon selection
"What delightful agony we shall inflict."「苦痛をもたらすことの、なんと甘美なことか」
"Writhe, like a worm on a hook."「もがきたまえ、ピン止めされた芋虫のようにね」
"Nobody escapes."
"Death? No... Nothing that simple."
"Come out and play."
"It's over when I say."
"Lock 'em up."
"Retching mongrels get the leash."
"Any last words?"
"Oh yes! It's about to get much worse."
「おお、そうそう! もっといいものになっておくれよぉ」
"No one can save them."
"Ah, the sweet tones of misery."「ああ、不幸の心地よい調べよ」
"Relax, just let go."
"Me, mad? Haha, quite likely."
「ぼくが狂っている? ハハッ、全くもってその通りさ」
"Hmm, whose mind shall we snap?"
"Poor lost souls."
"Oh the eternity we shall spend together."
"Flesh is a prison."
"What is the worth of a soul?"
"I am the thing under the bed."
"Torment comes in so many flavors."
"Screaming won't do you any good, but it's music to my ears."「悲鳴ってのはね、君にはよかぁないかもしれないが、ぼくには音楽みたいなものさ」
"There is life. There is death. And then there is me."
"Ever seen your soul? Would you like to?"「自分の魂を見たことがないって? 見せてあげようか?」
"You're falling apart... What to do with the pieces?"
Upon using Flay
"Round we go!"「さあ回れ!」
"This way!"
Upon using The Box
"I own you."「君はぼくのもの」
"My house, my rules."
"Closing in..."
"Nowhere to hide."
"Going somewhere?"「どこへ行こうというのかね?」
"Come back!"
Upon using Death Sentence on an enemy Nautilus
"Hook, line and sinker!"「引っ掛けて、繋げて、沈める!」